
Nowadays, Muslims are live under Jewish antidemocratic regimes back under America with lagging economies and shrinking opportunities for young people.
2) Anti-Semitic
After the attack 9/11, Muslims are now confront with an entire region of the world and blame this religion for what happen although they do not know the truth and false information by mass media.
3) Jewish Protocol
Based on their 24 protocol discussion held at Basel, Switzerland during 1897, one of the protocol stress on survival in coming 100year. The complete text of 24 protocol by Theodor Hertzl most of the content discuss about the background and history and their strategies. Besides, it also expose way to concur the world and way to overcome others religious.
This are some protocol (http://thy-weapon-of-war.blogspot.com/2010/11/jewish-satanic-origins-of-freemasonry.html)
The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion on Freemasonry
The Protocols are a blueprint for world jewish conquest, and describe Freemasonry as an ideology of their creation and control, used for the purpose of recruiting 'goy' pawns (men of power and importance, such as in politics, police, etc) and influencing them to carry out the world jewish communist/liberal/NWO agenda.
"Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents, ET CETERA."
4) Talmud
Muslims hate due to reason of the content of Jewish own created “bible” that full with deceits, hatred, and annoying towards Islam. The content had build strong believer that hate Islam and also Muslim because of the content.
In “surah Al-Baqarah ayat 120”, “Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka.” This tells that the Jewish motive and their ambition to overcome Islam. It happen to Prophet Muhammad saw whereby they wanted to killed Prophet Muhammad saw and Islam will be gone. Yet, God know better. There are 3 ways when Jewish try to killed Prophet Muhammad. 1st, the accident whereby Jewish try to throw down wheat stone above Prophet Muhammad saw. 2nd, put poison into goat meat that provided to Prophet and 3rd, when Labid bin A’Sham try to put magic/ curse.
6) Chosen people
There is misunderstanding with “the choosen one”. Jewish or Israel is the only race that have many prophet and “Rasul” and they the only race that have option that do not be lead by religion that going to destroy world. In surah al-Baqarah ayat 47, “Hai Bani Israel, ingatlah akan nikmatKu yang telah Aku anugerahkan kepadamu dan ingatlah bahawasanya Aku telah melebihkan kamu atas segala umat.” This explain that Israel/Jewish gain more attention by God by giving them option and have prophet or “Rasul” that can lead them in better world. Yet, based on the Quraan, they do not appreciate and they the only race that had killed many Prophet and change some of prophet name. For example, Nabi Yaakub as > Jacob. Nabi Nuh as > Noah. Nabi Ibrahim as> Abraham and so on.
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