The article explain about the heredity has contribute to nowadays social problem especially among Malays. One of the factors is the Malays do not believe in inter marriages and prefer to remain as purebred. Second is the habit of marrying early. Lastly is, Malays abhor the state of celibacy. At the conclusion, the solution is by installing a constructive protection in order to protect the Malays.
In my opinion, the article have some point that I agree whereby maybe the heredity pass from generation from generation had contribute to some social problem. Most significance example is the norm of marrying a woman. One man should have a job, work and others in order to get married.
Although it is true that money is important yet, based on nowadays social problem, most of young couple have sex before married and abandoned happen if the girl if pregnant.
What if left over the norm and try to give space to them to get married to overcome abandoned and sex before married. It will help to overcome some social problem yet, Dr Mahathir does state that marrying at young age is one of the factors of social problem whereby reproduction takes place before mature of the parents. Parents skill can be learn and it makes the parent become more independent. As long as the couple is already legal to have sex and parents shall not worried on their children anymore if pregnant happens.
Besides, pregnant can be control if the young couple does not mature yet by encourage to use safety ways to avoid from having baby.
On the other hand, I agree that Malays are afraid to inter-marriage with other races. I had an experience when I am in secondary school that majority is Chinese whereby the Malays and Chinese keep mocking each other.
One of my friend one is Chinese asking me a question, “Why Malay people some of them dislike Chinese especially involve with eating pork, keep dog as pet and drink alcohol”?.
Then, I answer, “Not all Malay like that.It is true some of them dislike you all but, those are not exposing to Chinese people culture and society. Maybe they live in all Malays neighbor hood and school at all Malays. This had build racism among them. One had exposed to others culture, they will be OK and can tolerate.”
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