This is the story of Jewish Survival, spanning millennia, exploring how a small group, who started as desert nomads, overcame countless obstacles, enduring to the present day. From slavery to the loss of their homeland; from exile to anti-Semitism; from pogroms to near annihilation in the Holocaust, how did they endure when so many other communities have vanished? Hosted by Martha Teichner, senior correspondent for "CBS News Sunday Morning," THE JEWISH PEOPLE: A STORY OF SURVIVAL explores some of the answers. While other films have explored Jewish religion or Jewish culture, this original production is the first Jewish film organized around the central themes of survival and the achievement of a people. Moving chronologically, this film offers a sweeping overview of four millennia and the numerous civilizations -- Babylonian, Roman, Muslim, Spanish, Soviet and other -- that have ruled over the Jewish people.
Directed by Andrew Goldberg. Martha Teichner traces the history of the Jewish people, explaining how this vibrant culture has endured and thrived despite more than 4,000 years of slavery, oppression, anti-Semitism and near-genocide. Historical photos, rare documents and interviews with noted scholars serve to illuminate how the Jews survived for centuries -- while other communities vanished -- under the Babylonians, Romans, Nazis, Russians and other cruel regimes.
Topics include:
* Flight of the Jews
* The Torah
* Judaism, Christianity and Islam
* Jews Throughout the World
* Eastern European Life
* The Holocaust and Israel
Among the highlights of the film:
* How the Israelites, with Abraham, established the world’s first major monotheistic religion more than 4,000 years ago. This religion would give rise to two other major religions -- Christianity and Islam.
* How the Ten Commandments, which laid down the foundation of Jewish ethics, and the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) established ethical and practical codes for living.
* How the Jewish people used these texts to maintain cohesion as they were driven into exile and across the globe.
* How a handful of Jews scattered among alien cultures over three continents grew into an influential, intellectual people through the "power of Talmudic learning." The study, interpretation and implementation of the Talmud -- the oral traditions of Judaism that further clarified Jewish law -- came to be known as Rabbinic Judaism.
* The genesis of Christianity and Islam and how they affected and challenged Judaism for centuries.
* How, within the new world of Islam, Jews rose to their Golden Age of creativity. During the 10th-13th centuries, a meeting of the minds took place between Jewish and Muslim people. The scholar Maimonides, for example, devoted himself to Jewish culture, but also served as the personal physician to the great Caliph Saladin.
* How the Jews forewent conversion and were banished to the ghetto, but in an age of darkness, carried the torch of learning and the spirit of enterprise.
* How the Jews, after the Holocaust, have continued as a people, with a state, a voice and a history of survival.
The reason that the story of Jewish survival has been record in order to let next generation knew what happens. Although the story try to convince the world the reason Jewish are powerful right now, yet they have their own agenda and motive. If not, they already have the power, in any aspects such as economy, entertainment, education and others. Yet they still try to concur the world and want each country praise them as the choose people.
v Eventually, I think the story moral values will not strong enough to clean up their name due to reason of what had Israel done to Palestine especially when they (Zionist) kill innocent public people especially women and children.
Hitler had warned to world about the Jewish deceits.
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