Haiwan pun ada Perasaan

Assalamualaikum Hi semua

Tiba-tiba terasa nak berkarya di waktu pukul2 pagi macamni. Apa yang gatai tangan sangat nak menulis bukan ada ape-ape sangat pun (haish bila jari ni nak lari dari guna shortform tak tau). Teringat kat kucing yang az bela dari kecik lagi and rindu sangat-sangat kat dia.

Dia tue HIM yang bernama….. emmm apa nama kucing az ehh….. bukan pa, dari awal-awal bela cuba dah letak nama macam orang selalu letak, tompok lah, ren lah, bulat, cun, dan lain-lain. Jadi az letak nama oren sebab dia warna oren macam kucing Garfield tu dan masa tu az tak creative langsung nk letak nama yang pelik2 sikit… nak di jadikan cerita, hari2 punya lah az panggil dia “Oren….Oren….” dia buat dono jea. Pandang pun tak Takpa, az try lagi noh…. “Oren…..Oren……” Kali ni dia berhenti dari meneruskan perjalanan dia… “Oren………..” aku panggil skali lagi dengan agak kuat. Kali ni, dia geleng tengok az and terus tidor time tu jugak.

Ada kata2 pujangga, “Usaha Tangga Kejayaan”. Untuk beberapa minggu awal2, az terus panggil dia Oren dengan harapan lekatlah nama Oren tu and dia familiar dengan panggilan tu. Selepas 3,4 tahun bela, usaha2 tu tak pernah berjaya. Asal panggil, dia wat dunno ja. Last, nama yang dia suka dengaq, “Meoww…..”

Alahai, relek ler kucing.. Ko tu kucin jantan, besar, macho plak tu, nak nama “Meow….’ Tak palah… ikut jelah janji hang suka dan hang sahut balik dah lah nohh. So, berjaya stelah gagal. Ehehehhehehheee……

“meow…..rindu kat hang…. Sangat2…… Harap2 hang bahagia bersama PenciptaMu di sana ya… Tunggu tau tak lama langi kita jumpa InsyaAllah…..”

Kisah 1

Masa kecik2 dulu, abang az (Amen) duduk kampong lama jugak lah. Tak tau lah apa dia buat kat kampong area Langgar, Kedah. Yang paling az ingat kes lawak nie, kebetulan masa dia stay kat kampong, teluq2 ayam kat sana baru ja menetas. Nakal punya pasal, abang tanya “Hang nak tengok anak2 ayam aku dak?” So, az jawablah. “Nak!!!” Punya excited masa tue budak2 lagi kan semua nak tengok. Lepas tue abg Amen pun bukak….


Tak silap dalam kotak ada dalam 5/6 ekor anak ayam kot.(maaf memory lose skit bnda ni masa kecik).

Yang syiok tau dak, setiap ayam ni bukan nama pelik, colour depa semua pun pelik..

Ada colour pink, hijau, kuning, oren, dan ada kaler lain lagi tak silap.. Tak tau lah apa motive abang aku sorang tu kaler anak2 ayam tue kesian pulak tapi tak pa. Mak2 ayam tu senang skit nak cam hehehee…

Kisah 2

Az ada cousin nama dia Syazwan akak aka Wan umur masa tu dalam lingkungan darjah 3 atau empat. Family belah Pak Jang ni depa suka bela macam2 tp sikit lagi nak jadi macam zoo dah. Ada kambing, burung, itik Ang, biawak (tak bela tp suka curi makan) dan ikan kat kolam belakang umah. Seronok balik kampong sebab az memang suka binatang. Jiwa suka explore ni sampai sekarang dok ada lagi. Hehhee…

Ayah Wan ni amanahkan Wan jaga binatang yang dok ada kat umah depa. Makan Minum Pakaian Berak Anak2 semua Wan kena handle. Selalu mama bawa balik kampong bila rasa bosan duduk umah sebab abah selalu outstation and less spend time dengan kami anak beranak. Jadi, selalu ikut Wan panggil kambing balik, itik2 Ang balik dan anak2 ayam balik. Heheheehhehe syiok nya masa tu. Az selalu kena cubit dengan Itik Ang tak tahu lah sebab apa kan tapi kali 5 kali az pi dekat, 5 kali kena ligan/kejar & 5 kali kena cubit. Sakit woooo…..orang lain boleh pulak gelak.

Masa Wan kira kambing2 yang masuk gerban/pondok kambing, dia panggil nama…. Ehehhehehheheee….

“Tomok……. Mana adik2 hang?” wan cakap kat kambing dia. Masa tu punya gelak nama tak tahan..

“Mawi…… Anuar… “ Wan panggil lagi.. Tak silap ada banyak lagi nama2 yang depa bubuh.. Bukan apa, dah depa minat punya pasal tu bubuh nama tu. Harap2 jangan lah trasa pulak ehhehehheee….

Kisah 3

Rasa2 keturunan belah family az ni semua suka bela binatang kot. Ni crita kucing Mak Ngah az yang bernama “CUN!!!” memang cun sebab colour dia putih gilaaa…… Muka seksi and body dia lawa… (cehh mcm describe human plak). Az lahir2 lagi pi rumah dia, CUN ni memang dah wujud. Comel sangat. Dia dah banyak sumbangkan kucing2 kepada Mak Ngah az hingga lah anak2 dia dah berjaya. (Berjaya mnjadi ibu kpd anak2) CUN nie cerdik. Nak g toilet dia pandai2 pi toilet & tutup pintu. Tak pasti pulak dia boleh flush ke tak sebab masa tu toilet jenis Kan**ng. Az tanya Mak Ngah macamana ajaq dia. “Hang apa susah, masa hang nak berak sama, hang dukung & bawa dia masuk sama…” Mak Ngah said. “Pastu, CUN dia geyau ka bau busuk berak Mak Ngah?” az reply. “hahahhahahhahhaaa……..habis2 dia geyau dia bukan bulih lari mana sebab dah katup pintu.” “kesian lah kt dia Mak Ngah penin bau….”…hehehheheheheee

Lepas dari tu, Mak Ngah cakap, CUN akan pandai2 lah nak p toilet kalau nak kecing ka berak ka.

Lani CUN dah tak dak dah… Mati dalam 3 tahun lepas kot sebab sakit tua. Umur dia dalam 18 tahun dan masa tu az dalam umur 15/ 16 kot. Masa dia tahu dia nk mati, dia dok mgeow dalam pondok dia panggil mak ngah kot. Banyak kali dia mgeow panggil tapi masa tu Mak Ngah ingat dia saja2 ja. Lama sikit Mak Ngah dengaq pelik, Mak Ngah p tengok kat pondok. Cun dok tengah baring, bernafas sambil bgeow.

Mak ngah panggil “Cuuuunnn…. Awat…??” Cun mgeow ja.. Terus mak ngah nangis & peluk dia. Tak lama tu dia pejam mata terus tak bunyi dah.. Mak Ngah nangis ja masa tu sebab sayang macam anak sendiri dah. Masa dengaq Mak Ngah cerita, aku sedih sangat2 sebab Cun sempat lagi panggil Mak Ngah mai tengok dia. Mak Ngah tanam depan rumah dia, bawah pokok & mak ngah selalu p melawat kalau rindu. Last, Mak Ngah cium, sayang CUN puas2 sebelum Mak Ngah tanam Cun. (skrg Cun bahagia di sana… ^_^)

P/s : Layan jap gambar az upload gmbr ade Meow & iras2 gambar Cun.

At least ada 3/ 4 keping gmbr untuk dikenang ;)

Iras CUN...Sexy kan?

Yang bawah saja2 letak chumel,,,geram hehhee

ViVa Presentation ^_^

At the end of Critical Literacy subject, there were last thing we all need to do. Guess what, is VIVA presentation. First briefing about this ViVA presentation, we all kind the shock and that day going to be present and tension. It sound similar to the Perodua Viva car name and it pronounce differently.

There are six groups for this presentation. Each group consists of 3 students going to present based on number that has been chooses and two groups consists of 6 students will be judges. We all can choose any topic that we familiar and comfortable with among four articles consist of The Malay Dilemma, Steve Jobs, The Value of Television, and the Jewish and Their Deceits.

What I a little bit dislike is some of the presenter answers their answer with “This is my presentation and I can say whatever I want”. They should more prepare the answer rather than using that to close the question. Besides, the VIVA presentation can be a fun and mature discussion in other to share among the students. If some people are alert with others feeling, those who using that for answer should know its hurt others feeling because the one who come with the question will aspect an logic and mature answer rather than something that can hurt other feelings. I do notice after the one get that kind of answer, their face and mood change dramatically after that. So, please give some respect on others feeling.

On the other hand, the positive that I can see among my classmate is they are not shy anymore when present like Haslinda and Noorazira yet, there were some are still in semester 4 but still shy and lack of presentation skills. Hope they all can be more confident in future.

The most things that I as a student and all my friend should learn is the time management. I do agree that some are late, less prepares, do not practice and sick. Yet, it will affect on the lecturer mood and the presentation environment which maybe fun, bored or sleepy.

Overall, the presentations do give something to everyone for example like way to think critically and prepare to present their own article. In my opinion, among all the ViVA presentation, bases on time management would be Fatin Farhana as she can manage her presentation to end on time. Besides, based on way of presentation, I choose Munifah Alwi as she can answer the entire question given by the judges and she manage to explain and present her slide better than others. In addition, I love her out fit also during the presentation.

The most fun presentation would be Zafran. this is because I do not know since when he a bit "gagap" and nervous as I know that, last semester he just all right. It is quite entertain for me and had chance to laugh. Also during Saerah presentation whereby Nazri ask Saerah, "Are you lazy?". Not once, but a lot.

Therefore, the last class for Critical Literacy do give me lot and extraordinary knowledge and teach me to use both side of my brain. Besides, I am sure that after this, I will more aware of my surrounding and people behavior etc. For me, this subject is adventure and extreme also. hehhee... because, it need us do, think and act that we do not expect we can do it for example during finish up the premise. Its quite challenging.

Thank you Sir for let us learn something new in our life.

Here are some picture for us to be remember.

Superstitions Around the World

From India country, superstitions that practices by Indians.
  • Indian Child Forced to share milk with rats. People that are malnourished and many children devoid of milk, but superstition has led Indians to snatch milk from human babies and feed it to holy rats instead.
  • Sighting of a widow or barren women before important events or activities is considered unlucky.

Meanwhile, in Japan, Unlucky number``4'' is pronounced as shi in Japanese, which is same to the word ``death.'' ``9'' is pronounced as ku in Japanese, which is same to the word ``pain.'' So the two are considered as unlucky numbers. Hospitals usually have neither 4th or 9th floors.

Besides than Japan, I believe that Sikh religion have various superstitions and they had call "Superstition" is like a disease for the mind it brings confusion and fear and takes you away from reality.
  • "When a black cat crosses one's path, something will happen if one crosses the line where the cat passed. To "undo" either wait for someone who didn't know about the black cat to cross the path or think of another route."
  • "If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life."
Additionally, I have made some research during FIFA worldcup and it might be interesting to share with others about their superstitions.

  • We start with Chelsea and England captain John Terry. He always sit in the same seat on the team bus, wrap tape round his socks three times, listen to the same CD on the way to the stadium and always park in the same spot before every game at Stamford Bridge.
  • One ritual practised by footballers the world over is wearing the same underwear for matches, such is the case with Romania's Adrian Mutu or former Colombia shot-stopper Rene Higuita, whose undergarments always have to be blue.
Hope that you enjoy reading the Superstitions Around the world.

From : Aznin QuekQuek

The Jewish People: A Story of Survival

The Jewish People, A Story of Survival

This is the story of Jewish Survival, spanning millennia, exploring how a small group, who started as desert nomads, overcame countless obstacles, enduring to the present day. From slavery to the loss of their homeland; from exile to anti-Semitism; from pogroms to near annihilation in the Holocaust, how did they endure when so many other communities have vanished? Hosted by Martha Teichner, senior correspondent for "CBS News Sunday Morning," THE JEWISH PEOPLE: A STORY OF SURVIVAL explores some of the answers. While other films have explored Jewish religion or Jewish culture, this original production is the first Jewish film organized around the central themes of survival and the achievement of a people. Moving chronologically, this film offers a sweeping overview of four millennia and the numerous civilizations -- Babylonian, Roman, Muslim, Spanish, Soviet and other -- that have ruled over the Jewish people.

Directed by Andrew Goldberg. Martha Teichner traces the history of the Jewish people, explaining how this vibrant culture has endured and thrived despite more than 4,000 years of slavery, oppression, anti-Semitism and near-genocide. Historical photos, rare documents and interviews with noted scholars serve to illuminate how the Jews survived for centuries -- while other communities vanished -- under the Babylonians, Romans, Nazis, Russians and other cruel regimes.

Topics include:

* Flight of the Jews
* The Torah
* Judaism, Christianity and Islam
* Jews Throughout the World
* Eastern European Life
* The Holocaust and Israel

Among the highlights of the film:

* How the Israelites, with Abraham, established the world’s first major monotheistic religion more than 4,000 years ago. This religion would give rise to two other major religions -- Christianity and Islam.

* How the Ten Commandments, which laid down the foundation of Jewish ethics, and the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) established ethical and practical codes for living.

* How the Jewish people used these texts to maintain cohesion as they were driven into exile and across the globe.

* How a handful of Jews scattered among alien cultures over three continents grew into an influential, intellectual people through the "power of Talmudic learning." The study, interpretation and implementation of the Talmud -- the oral traditions of Judaism that further clarified Jewish law -- came to be known as Rabbinic Judaism.

* The genesis of Christianity and Islam and how they affected and challenged Judaism for centuries.

* How, within the new world of Islam, Jews rose to their Golden Age of creativity. During the 10th-13th centuries, a meeting of the minds took place between Jewish and Muslim people. The scholar Maimonides, for example, devoted himself to Jewish culture, but also served as the personal physician to the great Caliph Saladin.

* How the Jews forewent conversion and were banished to the ghetto, but in an age of darkness, carried the torch of learning and the spirit of enterprise.

* How the Jews, after the Holocaust, have continued as a people, with a state, a voice and a history of survival.

The reason that the story of Jewish survival has been record in order to let next generation knew what happens. Although the story try to convince the world the reason Jewish are powerful right now, yet they have their own agenda and motive. If not, they already have the power, in any aspects such as economy, entertainment, education and others. Yet they still try to concur the world and want each country praise them as the choose people.

v Eventually, I think the story moral values will not strong enough to clean up their name due to reason of what had Israel done to Palestine especially when they (Zionist) kill innocent public people especially women and children.

Hitler had warned to world about the Jewish deceits.