Things don't have to be extraordinary to be beautiful.. The ordinary could be just as beautiful.....♥♥♥♥
Asalamualaikum dear peeps……..
Hari nie nk update tentang diri & kesihatan dan dilemma yang dialami skarang
Sebenar nya, az risau tentang tulang pinggul az..Seriusly, memang tak tahu nak tipu diri sendiri yang everthing is well..bak kata amir khan dalam crita 3 ediots “All iz well All iz well”. Memang tak boleh tipu. Aduih serabut sangat2….Need something to convince me back that Im okay.
Masa on the way dari kuantan ke shah alam, sepanjang atas bus terfikir pasal MC yang tak datang kelas, fikir pasal practical, fikir pasal business plan & presentation, fikir pasal marketing nya asaimen & fikir pasal asaimen e-learning.
Banyak sangat yang az fikir.. for a while, lupa kejap tentang diri. Ya Allah, memang berat nya ujian Kau kali nie. Az demam, kepala sakit2, badan lenguh2, tulang pulak sakit teramat2 tak tahu nk gambarkan macamana dah. At the same time, fikir semua yang the above az stated. Terasa nak berehat ja sambil baring-baring. Nak tidor memang mustahil sebab lately sejak jatuh az dapat tidor 2-3 jam only. The rest semua az tidor2 ayam ja sebab lebih 3jam mula dah sakit2 tulang tu mai balik…. Kelmarin, masa tidor rumah CT di Beserah pun start tidor pukul 2 tapi pukul 5 dah bangun dah…… sampai lah pukul 7 lebih tidor balik tp pukul 10 automatik bangun sebab lenguh2 & sengal2.
Macamana nak buat ni? Miss & madam dah bising2 tak buat keja elok2…Bukan tak nak, If lah miss faham situasi saya lah kan…. Hmmmm………. Kadang2 people judge luaran kita ja, dalaman tak nampak.. Az pretend that Im happy, Im okay sebab nk mindset otak yang segala2 nya is ok…. Tapi bila sampai satu tahap, memang tak boleh tipu diri sendiri dah… Ya Allah az tak minta sakit serentak macam ni… Tolong laaaa………..
Az baru ja receive another asaimen untuk marketing….. Maaakkk… dua plak kne submit this coming Tuesday…. Pengsan lah aku…….. demam ni…sakit nie………… Takpe, az perlu kuatkan… Nak mgalah tak kena pada masanya… takpe, susah dulu senang kemudian.. No sacrifice, no victory….. Aisey sempat lagi ber quote-quote ni hehehhehee……
Alhamdulilah today 21/4/11, badan makin ok… Semalam dah makan ubat…dua plak kan..memang mamai gila dgn ubat tu terdiri daripada drug huhuh…selalu makan ubat based on tumbuh-tumbuhan ja, kali ni dapat drug amik kau… hahahahahaa… semalam dapat pekena tom yam….sedap tp az lah lidah tawar….tak dapat eden merasa hoh…. Hehehe… dah peluh2 tu okay sikit lah. Alhamdulilah… ^_^ XOXO
Hello there~~~~~~
Alright, where should I begins?! Let me think first… Oh hahahaa….. My whole semester 5 quite fun. Im staying with my BFF “CT & BELLA” (p/s : I love u darling…”)just, in the room. We do not combine the bed together. It just me & CT only combine. Its ok….As long as I have someone to hug, to kiss, to have fun, to play and to manja2 gitu..
Meanwhile, I’m keeping 2 kitten outside of my room. The older, me & bella called as “Bulu” cause he has lot of fur at his body… The youngest is “Tompok” because her body is kind have tompok2 orange gituu…
I think the others kitten is coming soon hehhehee their mother is having some babies AGAIN….aarrhhhh Im tired to take care to much kitten.. Everytime we all open the door to go outside, they both immediately run into our room and play around under our bed.. Most difficult is, they pretend they are invisible and ignore our calling. But one thing that each of them have is, their STALKING style.. yeahh baby… their Stalking style…. Sometime, when we all are doing others thing on our bed, their mummy enter our room….slowly…….quitely…..and then, enter one of locker open in the room… Then CT will shout…” Ko ingat ko masuk slow2, senyap2, tunduk2.. kitorang xnampak….Ko tu dah lah besar, bt2 mcm kecik plakkkk…..” Then we all laugh hard… ehhehehhee…
Sometime, Bulu will do the same thing… Enter our room and slowly….slowly…. I mean really slowly walking searching for locker that open… ahhahahhaaa… (Ni pun ngah taip, Bulu dok main2 dlm bilik…..biler ntah dye masuk plak Bulu bulu…..)
There one situation whereby Tompok is missing her mummy & brother, bulu.. Its quite weird cause I’m searching for them to. Tompok keep crying outside my room. I thought that she hungry or thirsty. So, I prepare some meals for her but she refuse… She keep gesek2 at my leg, jump at my hand and crying…… When I ignore her, she will come and bite2 me….. Then, I realize something is not wrong….. “Where is your mom & bulu, tompok??” “mana dorg tompok?” “Ohhh rupa2 nya hang carik mak abg hang ka…meh kita cari sama2 noh….”
After half hour~~~”Where are they? Keep calling keep calling… No answer even a meow…………. Then, one of my hostel mate shout at me say that mom & Bulu is in their room……
I successfully manage to find them and reunite them… Then, I saw Tompok is crying while running at her moms & brother & she gesek2 cium2 idung……”
Touching nya aku tengok wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu………. Tompok is missing them… She crying cause she afraid she will be alone… Hmmmm….
So sad Im going to leave my college soon. In a few week….Im will miss tompok & bulu so muchhhh………… When I broke up with my bf, wanchai/ridzuan razali…. I do not know what to do…I am really sad…Its hurt…Very painful… I read throughout internet ways to overcome heartbroken. 1tips is play /have a pet to accompany us… Yes…that’s right baby…… I love you both bulu & tompok……….
Here peeps I provide u’all with some their picca…….. XOXO… Below is BULU~~~
Assalamualaikum hai there everyone. Firstly, I would like to apologize for take soooo much time to update “A” post.
Well, Im quite busy this semester whereby there lot of things to do. Especially test test testss…Presentationss… Assignmentss… Field trip…. Reportsss….. Did I mention there is “s” behind every task??
Anyway, suddenly due to reason Im sick for several days, feels like want to update something. Hari jumaat lepas masa buat business plan Eiliyah Spa kan, az jatuh kot… Sakit dowhhh….. tu lah…rushing sangat sampai terpijak kertas & melambung di udara…
Masa jatuh ok lagi, after that terseksa sanubari ku.. Mula dah bengkak, lenguh2, sengal2, siot2, pedih2………… dan mlm bila nk tidor, Ya Allah terseksa nya….mengiring sakit, terlentang sakit, menikup sakit…. Last aku tidor ayam jer kot…. Pukul 3 tidor, pukul 6 bangun tu pun if lah dikatakan tidor………….
Hari tu memang terseksa sangat2 sebab perlu mengorban kan diri & sakit demi BP tercinta & markah trcinta…. Dah settle semua az g klinik…MC tak pergi kelas jumaat… Doktor check tulang, angkat turun kaki, berdiri duduk…Sakit kot boleh plak testing2 camtu… Then, dia suruh angkat tangan semua.. “Awak ambik ubat ini dulu, ubat tahan sakit & x-ray sebab saya takut ada masalh tulang pinggul awok….” What?? Makkk nak balik takut errr…….
Balik bilik, malam tak tahan sakit makan lah ubat tu…. Apa effect dia? Pukul 10 I dah tidor you….. esok pulak ada MUET ayoyoyo…….. menangis az dalam dewan tu bapak pedih errr kerusi tu dah lah keras kot. Takpelah nak buat macam mana, kita bukan puteri raja nak kerusi lembut2.. Alhamdulilah tak susah sangat macam subjek Muet az amik tiap2 semester tu.. Listening dia sebijik2……..InsyaAllah ada rezeki dah nazar dah ni nak puasa sehari kalau dapat band 4 above… InsyaAllah kan..
Side effect dari jatuh hari tu:
Banyak err………Ya Allah….. tak ujian ni xpe xpe….
Today, Az selesema plak…….. hidung ni berair ja sokmo… mandi berair, semayang berair, online berair…… hehehheheheee……….. Yang best dapat MC…. Huhuhuhu… Tak pe janji rock oyeahhhhh
Ehhehee XOXO